Custom Tasting Flight & 4 Glasses
$60.00 $75.00
Crafted from Purple Heart, Black Walnut, and White Pine.
Designed and constructed on site here @ the BREWSENSIBLE® wood shop by our master craftsmen and worlds best grandpa "Papa John".
Your ego and finest flavors deserve the best and with this beauty you can be assured perfect presentation.
Additional info
Check out our man Larry over at BREW-N-BBQ putting the BrewSSSiphon™ to the test.
Huge thanks to Paul Navarre for this very thorough and in depth review. Check him out at Home Brewing TV.

Designed by Small Home Brewers, for ALL Home Brewers.
Tempered in the forge of camaraderie, an echo of discontent hardened & out of this vexation with cheap plastic homebrewing tools a new vision was #Brewn! Like as in born. Get it? You do? Ok! Great! Anyway, here's the point! We believe choosing to invest in high quality stainless steel & silicone homebrewing equipment which is designed to last a lifetime is clearly the most #brewsensible choice and a great way to make a small but meaningful step in the right direction. We're confident that you do too.

Breaks Down for Sanitizing!
Our flagship tool the BrewSSSiphon® is the worlds' first fully de-constructable, manually cleanable, and totally sanitizable silicone & stainless steel auto siphon. This beast will gnaw its way through your messiest transfer to then be scrubbed clean as a whistle with not a microbe of contamination left after you are done. Add one to your Home Brewing Kit today!